2024 Sine Die Legislative Brief

The 2024 Legislative Session is in the history books. The big business special interests, largely sidelined over the past two years by the Governor’s culture wars, were back with a vengeance pushing legislation that will line their pockets at the expense of Florida’s working families. The Working Families Lobby Corps ran a strong program this year with hundreds of union members participating in the process over the nine weeks of Session. Check out our final Sine Die brief for the final status of some of the most important issues we tackled this year. While we weren’t always successful against the big business juggernaut and their cronies in the Capitol, we organized, we spoke out and we fought hard for Florida’s workers and their families. While the powers that be will continue to try and diminish our movement, they will never win and we will always continue to stand up for what is right.  

Download your 2024 Sine Die Legislative Brief here. The brief is a quick look at some of the bills that were tracked throughout the 2024 Florida Legislative Session and their final status.

SB 256 Update

Updates on SB 256 – Eliminating the Rights of our Public Sector Workers

The rule making process to implement SB 256 is underway.  The Public Employee Relations Commission (PERC) is taking on the task of writing the rules that will determine how our public sector unions will operate in this new reality.

The Florida AFL-CIO has convened a strong coalition of attorneys and leaders from the public sector who are following the process closely and participating at every step.  All our public sector affiliates are represented in this coalition.  Three public hearings have been held and the rules are slowly coming together.  You can get updates, review proposed rules, and sign up for updates here:


We are navigating very complex and serious legal waters here.  We ask that you do not submit any comments on the proposed rules at this time unless they have been reviewed by the legal team.  If you have any questions on this process, please contact Rich Templin with the Florida AFL-CIO – 850-224-6926.

While this process moves forward, our public sector unions are working hard in the trenches on what could be the largest internal organizing campaign in Florida history.  We will work, we will persevere, and we will thrive! 

2023 Working Families Lobby Corps Week 8

Nearing the end of Session the crazy Legislation was ramped up in Week 8. Check out our update video to see what zany ideas lawmakers in Tallahassee had in store for Working Families!

2023 Working Families Lobby Corps Week 7

Working Families in Florida continued the fight in Tallahassee against the lunacy happening at the Capitol. Check out our Week 7 WFLC Update video to see the zany legislation that will affect ALL Floridians and our efforts against the crazy ideas coming from our elected officials.

2023 Working Families Lobby Corps Week 5

The crazy legislation continued to pour out of the Capitol during Week 5 of Session. Check out our update video to see what our elected officials are doing to working Floridians and what we are doing to fight back!

2023 Working Families Lobby Corps Week 4

Week 4 saw some of the most egregious attacks on Working Families, showing how out of touch the crazy legislation is in Florida. Watch our update video to see how members across the state fought back against this lunacy!

2023 Working Families Lobby Corps Week 3

The lunacy at the Capitol continued in week three focusing on further eroding the rights of our State’s Working Families. Check out our video to see the insanity happening in Tallahassee!